Monday, January 27, 2025
Changing of the guard at Pentire
After more than 25 years working for the National Trust, Lead Ranger Mike has recently hung up his steel toe capped boots and moved on to pastures new.
Changing of the guard at Pentire
After more than 25 years working for the National Trust, Lead Ranger Mike has recently hung up his steel toe capped boots and moved on to pastures new.

Mike leaves a tremendous legacy, as visitors to the orchard at Pentire will surely appreciate. Creating an accessible space for the equal benefit of nature and people, the orchard was one of his most passionate areas of work.
Although Mike will be sorely missed, the new Lead Ranger for the Holywell-Tintagel area is no stranger to the patch. Tom was previously the Area Ranger working alongside Mike and so will bring with him continuity, with solid knowledge and experience too.
Hannah is the new Area Ranger and a third ranger will complete the team in due course. A warm welcome to all three.
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