Events and What's On
what's on Launceston
Cornish language lessons
Suitable for beginners and all levels of ability in the Cornish language, 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Central Methodist Church Hall, Launceston. Further info from Tim Hambly on 07790 926010.
Launceston Male Voice Choir
No audition. Just come along and enjoy singing a varied repertoire with a friendly group. For more information contact Phil Honey 01566 782282.
Dunheved Flower and Garden Group
Day trip to a garden or a talk in Launceston Central Methodist Hall starting at 2.30pm. New members are always welcome. For more information ring Joy on 01566 775 872.
Launceston Folk Dance Club
Launceston Folk Club returns after its summer break on Tuesday 10th September at 8pm, St John’s Ambulance Hall. Launceston Folk Dance Club meets on Tuesday at St Johns Ambulance Hall between 8pm-10pm. Secretary: Rosemary Phillips 01566 774491.
Creative Writing Group
Fridays at 10am - 12pm at The Gateway Centre. A friendly and supportive environment to develop your interest and skill. Contact Delia:
St Stephen’s Badminton Club
Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm in St Stephens Church Hall. For more information about the club, contact Tim Hambly on 01566 773716.
Launceston & District u3a
Launceston & District u3a meets on the last Friday of each month (except December) at 10:15 a.m in Central Methodist Church Hall. Refreshments. Regular speakers. Over 25 interest groups. New members welcome! For more information go to or call Tel: 0300 102 1380.
Launceston Memory Cafe
Meets fortnightly at Launceston Methodist Church Hall, Saturdays, 2pm-4pm. Contact Cym Downing on 07970045310 or Mary Williamson on 01566 779879 or 07495291930.
Monday’s 9.30am - 11am. Providing free good quality clothes, equipment and toys for children aged 0 - 5 for anyone that needs it. No referral needed. Call in and browse and enjoy a cuppa and chat.
Mothers’ Union
Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm in the Choir Vestry at St Mary’s Church, Launceston. New members always welcome. Ring Pauline Darby on 07908 848000 for more information.
Singing for Wellbeing
Fun singing sessions to relax, uplift and connect. All welcome, no experience needed. Mondays, 10am-11am at St Mary Magdalene Church Hall. £5/session. Call Clare on 07410 943425 for more information.
Launceston Strollers
The group meets every Monday and Wednesday at 10am. For more information, visit the Launceston Strollers page on Facebook.
what's on wADEBRIDGE
Beginners Traditional Patchwork
Tuesday morning and afternoon, Wednesday morning and afternoon, and Saturdays once a month. Call Abbie on 07940133116 for prices and more information.
what's on bODMIN
Bodmin Camera Club
The group meets from September to June. Go to for information on how to join and club updates.
what's on FALMOUTH
Craft and Natter Group
A Falmouth Salvation Army event at their Church and Community Centre. Free tea and coffee provided. For more information follow on Facebook or contact: