Monday, November 25, 2024

Girlguiding in Bodmin

From a handful of girls who gatecrashed the first ever Scout rally, demanding ‘something for the girls’, Girlguiding has grown into a vast and vibrant network.

It is the UK’s largest youth organisation dedicated completely to girls. Its stimulating programme enables girls to learn important life skills in a safe and happy environment, with weekly activities from cooking, camp skills, arts and crafts, to voting, debate and science.

Through fun, friendship, challenge, and adventure girls of all ages are empowered to find their voice, inspiring them to discover the best in themselves, and to make a positive difference in their community. The age sections are Rainbows (4 to 7), Brownies (7 to 10), Guides (10 to 14) and Rangers (14 to 18).

Last year’s highlights for Bodmin’s girls have been Girlguiding exclusive cinema screenings, the marvellous Matilda entry for Bodmin’s Carnival and a trip to the pantomime itself. With so many exciting opportunities planned for 2024, including a sleepover with sharks, it’s a superb time to get involved.

Currently there are spaces for Guides at The Guide Hut, Beacon Road, Bodmin. With more volunteers it could be possible to open another unit for each section to reduce waiting lists. To volunteer or register your daughter visit Facebook: Girlguiding Bodmin