Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Living Christmas Tree raises money for charity

A receptionist from Wadebridge has been doing her bit for charity this festive season, creating a ‘living Christmas tree’ and inviting locals to get involved.

Wendy Eustice, who works on reception in Wadebridge Osteopaths, is a self-confessed Christmas enthusiast. Once the festive season rolls around, she throws herself into it, explaining: “I love Christmas, so don’t need to be asked twice to wear Christmas jumpers or put up lights at work in the run-up to Christmas!

“I was thinking what I could do this year, and then had this idea that people could bring in decorations and decorate me for Christmas - and so the Living Christmas Tree came to life!” 

Wendy thought about raising money in the process. After speaking to the team at work, they decided money raised would be donated to the Cove Support Centre, based at Treliske Hospital, which provides support to people in Cornwall who are undergoing cancer treatment. 

“Sadly, I think we all know somebody whose life has been affected by cancer, and I particularly liked the thought that the money raised would stay in the county, helping those around us,” Wendy said. 

“So on the 4th December, the tree came to life!” she continued. “I cannot get over the amount of decorations and donations I have received since starting; people have been so generous and seem to have really taken to it.”

People have reached out to show their support both on social media and in-person. One person had recently lost a member of their family and, seeing Wendy sat as a Christmas tree, popped in and asked her about it. “As they left, they said to me, ‘thank you, you have really made me smile today’. That comment made dressing up and looking a bit silly feel so worthwhile - raising the money is important, but so is making somebody smile, even if just for a few minutes,” Wendy said. 

Wendy’s Living Christmas Tree will continue until Thursday (19th December). On Friday, Wendy will be putting all the decorations in a basket and if people see a decoration they would like to place on their own tree, they are welcome to put a donation in the pot and take a decoration home with them. Any decorations left will be donated to a charity shop.

If anyone would still like to donate towards the cause after 19th December, they are welcome to pop into Wadebridge Osteopaths to put a donation in the pot. The money raised will be sent off in the New Year. 

Well done, Wendy!