Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Festival organisers thank community after huge success

The organisers of St Mary Magdalene Church's annual Christmas tree festival have extended grateful thanks to the community for their generosity.

This year the festival of Christmas trees and cribs at St Mary Magdalene continued for two weeks, opening during late night shopping on 29th November and closing last Friday, 13th December.

Ninety-three trees and more than ten Nativity scenes greeted the large number of visitors who came through the doors. The entries came from local schools, residential homes, businesses, community groups, charities, churches and church groups to present a real cross section of life in and around Launceston. Some really innovative trees were on view, but all the entries were individual and represented hours of work.

Volunteers from the church congregation and from the community helped to steward the festival and served a huge number of refreshments.

A spokesperson from the festival said: "The organisers would like to thank all those who gave up their time to help - it is very greatly appreciated.Money raised from the festival will be going to heat the church to provide a warm place over the winter and to make a contribution to the  Launceston Foodbank. Next question - can we fit 100 trees in next year?"